A downloadable game


Game Jam Entry for the Singular Mega Porcine Threat Event

For the Full Metal RPG Podcast

 This game will deal with mature themes and the occult, and is not recommended for younger children or anyone who might be offended. Rated M for Mature.

 I sold my soul, sold it to the Devil, but he won’t let me be ‘lone

I eat black spider dumplings for my dessert

Go to the blacksmith, let him make my shirt

But I sold it, I sold it

Sold it to the Devil, and my heart done turned to stone.

-- John D. Twitty, 1937, Chicago 


On the Selling of One’s Soul for the Making of Music and the Procurement of Riches

You are in a Rock or Metal band, and you have all sold your soul to the Devil, in exchange for success, fame, fortune, and power.

The demon demands four souls (!), one for each member of the band, in return for this boon. It is coming for yours, unless you can provide others. To this end it has assigned a Lesser Demon to possess your tour bus, to keep an eye on you and make sure you comply. The name of that Lesser Demon is Singular Mega Porcine Threat Event.

The heart of the game is dealing with this Lesser Demon, and getting it what it wants.

The Band must pay its debt to The Devil before being arrested by police or Feds, or killed by Hunters. You are a murderhobo, but instead of exploring ancient halls, you are playing music, the dungeon is the road, and the tour bus is your stronghold.


black_spider_dumplings_ocr.pdf 2.9 MB

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